2014,  August,  Birthday,  Brayden,  Charlotte,  Family,  Football,  Hanleigh,  Vacation

Birthdays and a Beach Trip

Things have been so busy in the last month with work and school, that I’m now just getting around to writing this post. It’s strange, though, because I am the furthest thing from a procrastinator, yet I tend to procrastinate ’til almost the end of the next month when writing these posts. I am also someone who delays gratification, and I know how much I enjoy writing these posts, compiling all the photos, piecing together the videos, etc. That coupled with the fact that I have to be in a certain mood to even write a post sometimes pushes it out later and later. I want to write these posts when I’m not feeling overwhelmed with work, when I am in a creative place in my mind so it is interesting to the reader and not just a regurgitation of all the things we did in the last month. I want people to read it and laugh and feel like they are having a conversation with me. So, that’s the mood I’m in now and I’m seizing it…it between meetings, early morning jogs and hip hop class. I’m sure I’ll write half of it now, a bit more later, and finish it up this evening…but at least it will be written from a good place. If that means I’ve had to wait 26 days after the first of the month to do so, then so be it.

Now, onto our fun-filled month. Brayden wrapped up her summer camps with American Girl, outdoor adventure, gymnastics, dance and a showcase to conclude it all. Her teachers were so impressed with her timing and memorization of the routines (check out her four-minute routine in the video this month!) that she was asked to be part of the Junior performing team that is reserved for 9-11 year olds. So, we’ve committed to dance classes twice a week for Brayden and once a week for Hanleigh. So this is what it feels like to be that mom and dad, shuttling kids from school to dance each week for months at a time. Of course, we’ve had to adjust how we handle dinner those nights, but the girls love the classes!

Grandpa came to visit during my birthday weekend on his way to Florida to have his plane painted. As always, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit and Trent and I even had a date night! We saw Liverpool vs. AC Milan at Bank of America stadium and then met up with some of Trent’s coworkers for dinner, drinks, and dancing! It was a great birthday celebration. The girls made me a cake and Trent did a great job with his gifts. He surprised me with a massage at a nearby spa and even coordinated it so Kendall met me there. I started tearing up a bit when I saw her. So thoughtful!

The next week was filled with a Gavin DeGraw concert, Y Guides, and Brayden had a slumber party with our neighbor, Kaitlyn. We celebrated Hanleigh turning four with a family brunch at our house and then relocated to a cupcake shop for a party with her friends. That evening, mom’s sisters were in town from Louisville, so we had a family get together at her place. It was complete with lots of laughter, good food, and catching up. Thankfully, we get to see them again soon!

Trent and I celebrated our 13-year wedding anniversary and my, how the time has flown! I can’t believe we’ve been married that long. I truly fall more in love with him with each passing year and how incredible of a person, father, and husband he is. I love you, Trent! Hanleigh had her first dentist appointment and did great. I love that our girls have no fear when it comes to the dentist (naturally, as the dentist is their great uncle, so there’s that comfort there!). Trent and I went to the 30 Seconds to Mars/Linkin Park concert and a few days later, we embarked on our annual beach trip. This year, it was at North Topsail Beach. The house was great! We were there for an entire week and did the same thing each day: eat, go to the beach, eat, go to the pool, drink, eat, play games, drink, sleep. I was actually pretty good and didn’t even do that much work. We went crab hunting one evening (a bit anti-climactic as we only found two teeny crabs), but it was still really fun! We took a lot of long walks to the end of the island, and even got some exercise in and the kids played in the ocean (Hanleigh and Cooper would’ve swam to Africa if we let them). It was so nice to unwind and just spend family time together. Next year, we go to Ocean Isle!

I do have to do a bit of bragging on behalf of Trent and myself. We are both in the best shape, physically, that we have ever been in our lives. Maybe because we are afraid of what could happen if we don’t, but both of us exercise about five days a week (sometimes six) and are currently training for a half marathon in January (in New Orleans). Being this active has really helped in so many aspects of our lives: minimizing stress, toning muscles, sleeping better, and improving our medical health.

The month wrapped up with our first football game, which we won by the skin of our teeth (24-23) against Georgia Southern. When the early games’ scores are that close and we aren’t even playing ACC teams, it makes us nervous. The good thing is that we have won every game since (4-0)! Let’s keep it up, PACK! Lastly, we concluded the summer at a Labor Day pool party with our neighbors. It was a great time and we are ready for fall!

• We were leaving our neighborhood one day, when out of the blue she said, “Is it me or is that a black afro right there?” Not seeing what she was talking about, we started laughing. She then pointed to a black afro on the sidewalk. Odd and funny!

• I was reading a book to her one night that said, “I see a soft, woolly glove. I put her in a basket. I call her Nibbles.” Hanleigh spurts out, “That’s what boys have.” So, I respond with, “Oh, well, then what do girls have?”, to which she responded, “Boobs, mom!” (in a “duh” kind of voice).

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