Brayden is 23-Month’s Old!
This month has been not quite as hectic as the last, which is nice every once in awhile. We spent a great deal of it relaxing! I attended a party to meet one of my friend’s boyfriends who is whisking her away to Italy. I will miss her, but also know she has found the love of her life! We spent a long, wonderful Labor Day weekend in Charlotte with Mimi and Dadaw and got to see all of my family while we were there. That visit included wonderful dinners, a night out with Kyle/Erin/Abby/Justin, a cookout at Aunt Patty’s house, a visit by Mom, and brunch at Dad/Barb’s house. It was a great weekend! Football season has officially begun and we have had an amazing time tailgating with our friends! The weather has also been so nice that we’ve taken some long walks to the lake near our house and spent some time at the playground.
As for Miss Brayden, we are definitely approaching the two-year old cliché in terms of behavior. About two weeks ago, she cried for 80 minutes straight because she wasn’t allowed to have juice with her dinner until she finished her milk. Up until this point, we only had seen what we termed “meltdowns”, but this one falls into the ranks of a “tantrum”. We are talking loud crying, kicking, screaming, and sobbing. We weren’t quite sure what to do, so we just let her cry it out. She didn’t want us near her or anything. Eventually, she looked at us and said, “my milk”, chugged it down, scarfed her dinner, and then got her juice. WOW! It was an adventure. But, for every crazy time like that, there are the ones that take our breath away. This month has been full of those. At bedtime, she asks us to sleep next to her in her crib (which we don’t, of course) and rub her back. Miss B also has started to whisper to us and says, “I love you “ in a faint, precious voice, which melts your heart. On a more hilarious note, she will say, “Daddy look…”, then turn around and she has pulled her diaper down to reveal her peanut butt and then says, “my moon!” I know we shouldn’t laugh, but we do! Not sure where she got that from! Tug-o-war with the dogs has also become a favorite thing to do. She is a complete chatterbox and through all of it, a beautiful Southern accent has emerged. Mommy and Daddy couldn’t be more proud!
One Comment
Look at Miss Brayden!!! She is sooo adorable, I can’t wait to see her when I get back! What a cutie pie! She is growing up so fast. Love the comment about the tantrum!! You guys did the right thing and she learned – good for you for sticking it out! Let’s see what happens when she does it in the grocery store….you’ll have to let me know if anything like that happens as even though I don’t have kids, I would want to know what to do! I love learning advice from you guys, it will help me when my day comes. 🙂 Miss you all lots and it’s so great to see such a happy, healthy, beautiful family. I love hearing all your stories and I wish I was closer! Though, looking forward to coming to NC to visit you in early spring – let me know what your schedule looks like in march timeframe. Love you all lots!!! Alison 🙂