Food, Fresh, and Fun…Ya’ll
January was another wonderful month for the Jones family…although, I think all of us are very much ready for springtime. It has been a very cold winter (no thanks!). We started off the year by joining a gym, and contrary to any cliché New Years’ resolutions, both Trent and I have done a great job of going about four-to-five times a week. I enjoy taking the kickboxing and hip-hop classes while Trent focuses more on the treadmill and weight machines. We are hoping this better prepares us for the Cooper River Bridge Run and other races we may sign up for, as well as helping us de-stress from our jobs. So far, it’s working. Brayden continued to take a few of the Lowe’s Build and Grow classes and Trent took a beer class (as part of his Christmas present). He really enjoyed it and learned a lot about the brewing process.
I went on my first business trip of the year to Scottsdale, AZ to scout out the location of this year’s users’ conference in September. The hotel was pretty nice, but the pool area was even nicer! We went to Roman’s 2nd birthday party, my mom came in town, I had dinner with my friend, Laura, and Brayden finished up her swim classes. When we ask her what kind of classes she wants to take next, there are always a lot of responses: gymnastics, ballet, swimming, soccer, etc. We want her to try a bunch of things, but not all at the same time. There are too many families that are carting kids to a different class every night…that’s just too crazy. So, gymnastics is next.
Hanleigh kicked off the new year with a resolution to try solid foods. On January 2, she had her first rice cereal and did great (see photos/video). Since then, we have been pretty diligent on pureeing our own foods rather than buying jarred baby food. We decided to try it out this time because it’s healthier (fresh food), cheaper, there’s more variety, and really just to learn how to be more creative. Of course, it takes time, which we have much less of these days, but we’ve managed so far. At this point, Hanleigh has had pureed broccoli (didn’t go too well at first), carrots, peas, and bananas (gobbled them up). Trent even made a peanut butter banana bread (with carrots) and Brayden gobbled it up (she won’t eat fresh fruit unless it’s in a smoothie…sound familiar, Abby?).
Miss H has also started to gravitate toward her parents. We had some friends over and one of them was holding Hanleigh and she started crying. When I held her again, she stopped. It warmed my heart, but of course, is a double-edged sword. Not much stranger anxiety yet and I hope that doesn’t become an issue. Brayden never had stranger or separation anxiety, so maybe it’s in the Jones genes. Hanleigh has started sticking her tongue out all the time. It is really cute. She will just be sitting there, hanging out, and her tongue just sticks out of her mouth (see pictures).
January was filled with more hilarious Brayden-isms.
- Out of nowhere one day, she said, “I don’t want to get shots when I turn five.”
- She would rather watch Selling New York or the Food Channel than a kids’ movie half of the time.
- She LOVES watching Paula Deen on Food Network and thinks her name is “Ya’ll”. She will say, “Mom, can we watch Ya’ll?”
- One night, when tucking her in for bed, she took her hand and tucked my hair behind my ear and said, “Mama, can I get my ears peers? Do you have your ears peers?” (“peers”-too cute!). I told her not yet and that Daddy and I would decide when she is allowed to pierce her ears. She answered back with the list of her girlfriends that have their ears peers.
- One night at dinner during our blessing, she said, “I am thankful that there aren’t any vegetables on my plate.”
- After Trent gives her a bath, she likes to put powder on her body. One of the scents is called “Fresh” and the two of them have created this comical/proper way of saying it while making the sign for thank you. It is SO funny.
- She is on a skirt/dress kick and has been for awhile now. One morning, she had on a blue jean skirt, some tights, red shoes and said, “My friends will think that I look much prettier than them.” Oh no!
- When out to dinner one night with some friends, she saw a cop car in the parking lot to which she said, “What are the cops doing here? Oh, I know. Cops have to eat. I saw it in a book.”