Our little girl is now officially one-year old! Brayden began walking at 11 1/2 months and is so proud of herself! She picks up a bit more speed each day, but we can still keep up with her. She is very curious and continues to point to everything. We’ve also enjoyed tickling her and hearing that contagious giggle. I sit back and wonder where the time has gone and how she’s not really a baby anymore. This month has involved lots of birthday parties, including our own. We threw a birthday bash for Brayden and invited close friends and family over for some food and fun. While Miss B didn’t put her face in the cake, I think she may have inherited my sweet tooth because she seemed to enjoy the icing! Brayden has also found another use for her teeth besides eating: biting. She has left little love bites on our shoulders and on her friends at school. Ahh, the discipline begins! Every day brings something new and exciting!
One-year stats—Weight: 18 lbs., 10 oz. (13%tile), Height: 28″ (18%tile), Head Circumference: 18″ (70%tile). She’s our little peanut!