Bee-Bo and Writing Names
Believe it or not, February managed to stay pretty low key. We stayed in town every weekend, which is pretty rare, but was very much a needed respite from all the craziness that will ensue in March (more on that in our next post). We each had our weekly activity: gym class (Brayden), soccer (Trent), yoga (Becca). The cold weather kept us from running in the Krispy Kreme challenge, so I ended up attending Leslie’s baby shower that morning and we followed it up with an adult night out for Naomi’s surprise 30th birthday party. The next day was a Super Bowl party at the Wright’s house. It was a great weekend! My mom came in town for a long weekend so she could recuperate from a surgery at Duke. She is doing wonderful and everyone said that her recovery went so well because she is in such great health! Great job, Mom. It was nice to take care of her during that time. We celebrated Holden’s 1st birthday and watched the Dayton 500 at the Mazzola’s house, then enjoyed our President’s Day off while Brayden was in school by going to see Avatar in 3-D at the IMAX. Pretty impressive, although I was a bit nauseous by the end of it (all that motion…blah). We concluded the weekend by taking Miss B to the circus. She was a bit hesitant at first because she was convinced that the tigers and lions were mean and were going to “get her.” I think her mind was put at ease when she saw they were surrounded by a cage.
In Miss B news, Brayden wrote her name all by herself on February 10. I am not sure what is considered standard in terms of toddler development for writing your name, but we are SO impressed and think this is pretty amazing for our little girl to be able to do this at only three years and four months! Brayden has also become much more willing to try new foods this month (I hope this is a sign of things to come). While these may not seem like exciting foods for the average toddler, we are thrilled because her meals have become slightly routine and predictable. Lately, she has tried cheeseburgers, peanuts, and oatmeal (which she calls “oakmeal”).
I am definitely feeling the baby move (was absolutely sure around 15 weeks). There’s that time in your pregnancy where you aren’t sure if it’s gas or the baby. I know for sure now it’s our little bean moving around. It’s got to be the best feeling ever! It moves when I cross my legs and when I eat. We had the 16-week baby appointment as well. It was a clean bill of health, so that was good. Brayden calls the baby “Bee Bo” (from the “Belly Button Book”…we pronounce it “Bee-Boo”).
Here were the stats:
- Blood Pressure: 95/51 (oh yeah…I’m cool as a cucumber)
- Iron: 12.7 (anything above 11 is good)
- Baby’s Heartbeat: 148 (don’t read into that too much. It’s all wives’ tales when it comes to that and gender. We’ll learn gender on 3/30 at 9:20am!!!)
- They also did a thyroid panel and the AFP test. Will find those results out in about 2-3 weeks.
March Brayden-isms:
- “Mom, you keep an eye on Peapod if you see him licking. Put your eye on the table. If you see him licking, put your eye on him. I mean it (roll of eyes).”
- “I want to name the baby ‘Floor’ because they crawl on the floor. Is the baby going to peep out and will it crawl on the kitchen floor?”
- When referencing my belly, “Is the baby going to be in there for 10 minutes?”
- When wanting to tell me a secret, “Shh, mom. Let me tell you a question.”
- “I have to go potty! Dad, can you put the tv on pause? My poop is waiting.”
- I asked her, “Are you a stinkyface?” and she said, “No.” I asked her, “Are you a skeeter?” and she said, “No. I’m a big sister.”